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Timor wschodni


Liveaboard diving in Timor-Leste can now be explored in full aboard the luxury liveaboard S/Y Oriental Siren. Venture to this remote island southeast of Indonesia, for some world class diving on our 10 night Timor dive discovery. Bounded by the Timor and Banda Seas, Timor-Leste offers divers many different sites with diverse topography and a fantastic array of marine life. You can expect all the wonderful creatures and colourful corals that would be found in Indonesian waters, yet this area is little explored and many new dive sites are ready to be discovered. Pristine corals, sandy muck diving slopes and off shore pinnacles await the adventurous diver.


The Church
On the Northwest coast of Atauro Island the steep walls rise up from depths of 50m+. Covered with hard and soft corals this site attracts passing pelagics such as tuna, barracuda and swordfish along with reef sharks and hawksbll turtles. A closer look at the wall reveals a startling diversity of crustaceans and molluscs.

Tasi Tolu
The sandy slope gradually descending to 30m/ 100ft is the place to scour the sand in search of amazing and interesting creatures. If thorny seahorses, rhinopias, mimic octopus,pipefish, frog fish and a range of nudibranchs are not enough to hold your interest then you can turn your attention to the grazing dugongs or hunting sea snakes.

Jako Island

Off the eastern tip of Timor Island lies the small island of Jako. Currents pass through bringing nutrients that support the life of some large marine animals. Expect to see mobula rays, grey and white tip reef sharks and schooling trevally and snappers.

On the northern coast to the east of Dili, the coral garden of K41 attracts schools of midnight snappers, huge batfish and yellow-fin bass. Dolphins are heard and occasionally seen during the dives and whale sharks often make an appearance. Hiding underneath the coral bommies whiptail rays can be found, whilst the shallow waters are the place to hunt for ghost pipefish and sawblade shrimps.

Kraj i ludzie

Wyspa w archipelagu Małych Wysp Sundajskich, w południowo-wschodniej Azji. Część zachodnia wyspy należy do Indonezji, natomiast część wschodnia stanowi niepodległe państwo - Timor Wschodni. Na zachód od Timoru leżą wyspy Sumba i Flores, na północny zachód Celebes, a w kierunku południowym znajduje się Australia


Timor-Leste, once governed by Indonesia, has a tumultus history with a strong influence from the Portuguese, which is one of this small nation's official languages. The young nation is made up of the eastern half of Timor Island, Atauro Island to the north and the tiny island of Jako, yet despite being an island nation does not have a strong fishing background.Onland the hot humid climate brings lush vegetation and the opportunity to tour the jungles and mountains. Average temperature is 28C / 83F with the heavy rains starting in November through to March


Please book your international flight to fly into Bali or Singapore at least one day prior to trip departure.

From Bali there are daily flights to Dili

From Singapore there are flights on Tue, Thur & Sat

You may also fly direct to Dili from Darwin, Australia (Mon, Wed & Thu).

We recommend you arrive in Dili 1 day beforehand to ensure you’re well rested before the start of the cruise.


For some of our destinations, guests will require a visa obtained prior to arrival and different nationalities often have different visa requirements.

It is the full responsibility of our guests to obtain the necessary visa and passport information and to comply with the essential requirements.

Visa on arrival will be issued to most nationalities at the airport or seaport, cost of 30US$. Land crossing require visa application to be submitted prior to arrival.

Please contact your embassy for more information.

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